Find below 15 most popular questions asked in most of the Windows Server interviews, given along with the answers.
1. How to synchronize manually a client computer to a domain controller?
Windows 2000 (Win2K) and later computers in a domain should automatically synchronize time with a domain controller. But sometimes you may get a situation to synchronize manually. To manually synchronize time, open a command-line window, and run
- Net start w32time
- w32time –update Run
- Net stop w32time Run
2. What is an iterative query in DNS?
The query that has been sent to the DNS server from a Client is called iterative query. (i.e., iterative query is nothing but gives the answer for my question, don’t ask to contact that person or this person or don’t say something else. Simply just answer to my question.
3. What is Recursive query?
When your DNS server requests the root level DNS server for specific IP address. Now DNS server says that I don’t know but I can give the address other person who can help you in finding IP address.
4. What Type of Records do you find in DNS database?
- Host Record
- Mail Exchange Record (MX record)
- Alias
5. How to check for listening and open ports of a computer?
Open Command Prompt and type: C:WINDOWS>netstat -an |find /i “listening”
This command displays all listening ports.
C:netstat -an |find /i “listening” > c:openports.txt
This command redirects the output to a file openport.txt in C drive.
C:netstat -an |find /i “listening” > c:openports.txt
This command is used to see what ports your computer actually communicates with.
6. What is the location of the event log files in the system?
The location of event viewer log files is %systemroot%system32config. Here all event log files i.e., application log, security log, system log etc will be stored.
7. Diagnostic Utilities in Windows 2000/2003?
- PING: Verifies that TCP/IP is configured and another host is available.
- FINGER: Retrieves system information from a remote computer that supports TCP/IP finger services
- HOSTNAME: It displays the host name.
- NSLOOKUP: Examines Entries in the DNS database, which pertains to a particular host or domain
- NETSTAT: Displays protocol statistics and the current state of TCP/IP concepts.
- NBTSTAT: Checks the state of current NetBIOS over TCP/IP connections, updates LMhost’s cache or determines your registered name or scope ID.
- Route: Views or modifies the local routing table.
- TRACERT: Verifies the route from the local host to remote host
- ARP: Displays a cache of local resolved IP address to MAC address
8. How to know port 3389 (Terminal services) is working or not?
netstat -a (Displays all connections and listening of ports)
9. How to force KCC to generate connection object immediately without delay?
Type the command repadmin/kcc. This command forces the KCC to generate connection object immediately without any delay.
10. What is the protocol that is used to replicate data?
Normally Remote Procedure Call (RPC) is used to replicate data and is always used for intrasite replication since it is required to support the FRS. RPC depends on IP (Internet Protocol) for transport.
SMTP may be used for replication between sites, where each site is separate domain, because SMTP can’t replicate the domain partition.
11. What is the work FRS (File Replication Service?
It is used to replicate both the contents of the SYSVOL share between domain controllers and the contents of Distributed File System (DFS) replicas.
12. What are the contents of SYSVOL folder?
SYSVOL includes the actual SYSVOL file share, the NETLOGON file share, all Windows 9x and Windows NT System Policies, and all Win2K and later Group Policy Objects (GPOs).
SYSVOL also contains all user and computer logon and logoff (and startup and shutdown) scripts. By default, SYSVOL is stored in C:WindowsSysvol, exists on all domain controllers, and should be identical on each domain controller in a domain.
13. What is the command to encrypt a file from command prompt?
14. How can you see the post screen when the system started?
When the system starts press the Break key. Then it post screen is stopped there only, to continue press Enter.
15. When a user logs on the startup options will be loaded. How to stop them (the notification area icons)?
When a user types user name and password, and presses enter immediately hold down Shift key. Then the above things will not be loaded.