Plan what you are going to wear. The clothes you wore to your job interview might not be the same ones you wear to work. If you have not been provided with a dress code, ask your employer what appropriate attire is at your workplace.

Check out your employer’s BYOC or BYOD policy
Some employers have a Bring Your Own Computer or Bring Your Own Device policies that include smartphones and tablets, in addition to computers. Your employer might expect you to use your own personal laptop, or you might have the option to do so. The following is information on when an employer can require you to use your personal technology equipment.
Check your employer’s social media policy
Review its social media policy. There are some companies that don’t care about their employee’s posting on Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, and other social media websites during work hours. Other companies have policies prohibiting it. Before you start to post, find out what your employer considers to be acceptable. Vet your social accounts. Your new boss or some new co-workers may want to be your friend on Facebook. Make sure to only post things that they can see are suitable for public consumption. Review your privacy settings and be cautious about who can see what.
Don’t assume that you know anything
It is worthwhile to be humble when you are just getting started with a new job. No one likes know it alls, especially a newcomer who doesn’t know much about the organization or job yet. Take time to learn and listen before you start to give others advice.
Be nice
It also goes a very long way to be nice. Most individuals like nice people. If you are nice to your co-workers it will help you get ahead. Keep in mind that some individuals on the lower part of the pay scale actually know more about the company’s inner working than those on the top. This is why it is important to be nice to everyone. So when you first introduce yourself to co-workers, above all, be nice.
Arrive a bit early
One of the easiest ways to help to minimize the amount of stress associated with starting a new job is to practice a trial run before starting your new position. Figure out where you are going and your mode of transportation. Take the trip a couple of days in advance to determine how long it is going to take to get there and give yourself a comfortable cushion for potential delays and traffic. Then give yourself some extra time to get to work on your first day a couple of minutes early.
Don’t hesitate to ask for advice and help
When you are getting started on a new job, there is no such thing as stupid questions. Employers prefer you to ask questions. It’s easier to answer questions than to have to fix mistakes. You are not going to be expected to know everything when you are new on the job, and it is much better to ask for assistance than it is to guess.
Don’t stress out too much
Consider your new job to be an exciting step in your overall career. Don’t expect that you will be able to learn everything instantly. Everything is new to you, so it will take some time. If you start feeling stressed out, collect yourself, take a few deep breaths, and remember you are not expected to understand everything instantly. Although you might be bringing a wealth of experience and skills to your company, it still will take some time for everything to fall into place.
Improve your chances of getting an interview greatly, read how to improve your resume.