What Is Hypervisor and What Are Its Different Types?

Hypervisor is a thin layer of software that gets installed on bear metal, which allows creation of multiple VMs in an isolated state. So it allows you to have more than one virtual machine running on the same hardware, which are completely isolated from one and another.

The hypervisor will tell the VMS when to access a hardware or service.

A hypervisor is a thin virtualization platform that allows multiple operating systems to run on a computer at the same time. The hypervisor manages the virtual machines access to physical resources.

Types of Hypervisor:

Hypervisor’s are classified as two types:

  • Bare Metal Hypervisor: VMware ESX server 4
  • Hosted Hypervisor: Microsoft virtual server
  1. Bare metal OS virtualization platform install the hypervisor directly onto the hardware.
  • Citrix Xen server
  • Microsoft Hyper V
  • VMware ESX
  1. Host based Hypervisor platform require the hypervisor to run on the installation of an underlying host operating system like windows server 2003, linux or Mac OSX.
  • VMware server, workstation, fusion.
  • Microsoft virtual server 2005 r2, virtual PC
  • Parallels

Application virtualization:

It is a virtualization solution that can deliver application that are never installed, yet it can securely provide on demand access to users anywhere in the network.

  • Citrix Xen app
  • Microsoft app v

Storage virtualization:

It consists of the consolidation of multiple network storage resources into a multiple or single storage devices target.

  • DataCore SANsymphony, SANmelody
  • LeftHard Netwotk SAN/iQ
  • Windows storage server 2003 R2