This page provides you with basic Citrix XenApp interview questions and answers to prepare for your Citrix XenApp interview. These are repeated questions asked in most of the interviews.
1. What is Citrix XML Service?
The Citrix XML Service is used by clients connecting over the TCP/IP+HTTP protocol and the Web Interface for MetaFrame Presentation Server.
The Citrix XML Service Port is used by the ICA Client for connection to the Citrix server / published application: When TCP/IP + HTTP is selected and you specify servers in the Address List box, the client communicates with the Citrix XML Service on a specified server for Enumeration.
2. How to change the port number?
CTXXMLSS.EXE to change the port number.
3. What is the main concept of Citrix?
Main concept of Citrix is to deploy remote application to users.
4. What are different XenApp editions?
Advanced, enterprise, platinum.
5. Name few functions of each edition.
- Advanced edition: Basic edition, positioning applications, getting those application out to users.
- Planitum Edition: Adds password manager, edge site for monitoring Citrix server, password manager provides SSL for single sign, provides access gateway, replacing secured gateway (Access gateway being a hardware device, and secured gateway being a software device).
- Enterprise : Adds some more functionality to XenApp.
6. What is a Citrix XenApp farm?
It is a group of XenApp servers, they can be combination of web interface servers, where the website will allow the users to connect into the XenApp license servers and XenApp servers itself. Farm has a single data store.
7. What is a Citrix XenApp Data collector?
Stores dynamic information, for each of the Zones in a farm we will have a data collector. Ex: how many users are on a server, what the users are doing, what applications are being run.
8. What is a Citrix XenApp Data store?
It stores static information, farm has a single data store, data store is connected by some data connection, like SQL or Oracle.
Note: With the use of both, data collector and data store, we can manage a farm.
9. What is the function of local host cache in Citrix?
It is local host cache, available on each server. Its like a mini data base, for example if a XENAPP server losses its connectivity to data store then it will use the information it has in its local host cache.
10. Name few Citrix XenApp clients?
- Program neighborhood agent
- Xen app web plugin
- java clients
- Xen app plugin for hosted app
- XenApp plugin for stream app.
11. Prerequisites for installing XenApp 6.5?
- Terminal service role
- Application server role
- Iis role
- A database
- Jre 1.6.0-05
- .net frame work 3.5
- Visual j# .net 2.0
- net
- Visual C++ 2005 8.0 sp1.
12. What is the function of Citrix XenApp Hosted apps?
Hosted app is an application that is hosted in Citrix XenApp servers and is accessed by clients remotely.
13. What is the function of Streamed apps?
Streamed apps comes with platinum edition and here the vdisk is provisioned by a provisioning server to target devices
14. What is the use of AppCompat?
You can easily move an application with this AppCompat toolkit. Move application to XenApp, search and anaylize, virtualize and validate.
15. Name few best Citrix services?
- Citrix client network: which maps client drives and peripherals
- Citrix CPU utilization, GMT/resource mgmet
- Citrix encryption service
- Citrix health monitoring and recovery
- Citrix IMA
- Citrix licenses management console
- Citrix license
- Citrix ls port updater service
- Print manger
- Secure gateway
- Streaming service
- Virtual memory optimization
- Wm service
16. Architecture of ICA protocol?
ICA: Citrix actually replaced the terminal servers RDP with its own protocol called ICA.
ICA protocol is called thin protocol as it can run with very low bandwidth connections, ICA protocol is not transferring the real data back and forth, its just updating screen updates and mouse clicks from server to client and client to server. With ICA protocol, users can print to their local printers.
17. Name few Citrix XenApp port numbers?
- ICA : 1494
- ICA with session reliability: 2598
- IMA communication: 2512
- XenApp advanced console: 2513
- TCP browsing: 1604
- Xml service port shared with IIS: 80
- Ssl communication: 443
- Licenses management console: 8082
- Licenses port: 27000